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Roméo Mivekannin | Black Mirror


New exhibition at Collezione Maramotti

#CollezioneMaramotti presents Black Mirror, a project by artist Roméo Mivekannin.

For his first solo exhibition in Italy, Mivekannin has conceived a body of work of about twenty new paintings on black velvet that draw on his vast iconographic universe, introducing ideas kindled by his visits to Emilia-Romagna and by his ties to the Italian world of art and culture.

The legacy of the past crops up everywhere in this project, as do the ghosts of world history that continue to shape our own era. At its heart is a formal and existential challenge to the idea of the Self, rooted in a reflection on the human condition.

Self-portraiture, incorporated in a precise yet pervasive way, is the tool through which Mivekannin enters the narrative as a subject, taking the place of the original figures: his face seems to float out of the depths of the night, his penetrating gaze probes the viewer and disrupts the compositional logic and yielding an instable space in constant transformation.


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