RIGENERA Festival dell'Architettura | Saturday, October 17th

As part a of the program of RIGENERA Festival dell'Architettura, Collezione Maramotti is pleased to announce a public meeting with the artist Margherita Moscardini entitled Le Fontane di Za'atari. Abitare senza Appartenere.
At the event Moscardini will present his permanent sculpture Mahallat el-Ghouta 94, Block 8, District 4 at the Parco Alcide Cervi in Reggio Emilia, already part of the project The Fountains of Za’atari exhibited at the Collezione Maramotti in 2019.
The above mention will be followed by a conversation of the artist with Michele Di Marco, CEO of the international organization EAHR – Emergency Architecture & Human Rights, in the Collezione Maramotti.
The project The Fountains of Za’atari is the result of a long work started by Moscardini in 2015 starting from the study of refugee camps as urban realities intended to last.
The artist carried out a census of the numerous fountains that over time were made in the camp by the refugees of Za'atari, in Jordan.
The project is a device designed to generate a sales system of sculptures that reproduce in scale 1:1 models of courtyard with fountain of Za'atari and may be acquired by administrations and institutions and presented in European public spaces.
Reggio Emilia is the first city that has created and adopted, thanks to the Collezione Maramotti in collaboration with the City, one of these fountains.
Saturday, October 17th
10.30am: Presentation of the fountain-sculpture at the Park Alcide Cervi Reggio Emilia
11.30am: Conversation between Margherita Moscardini and Michele Di Marco at the Collezione Maramotti (via F.lli Cervi 66, Reggio Emilia)
In case of heavy weather the event will take place entirely at the Collezione Maramotti from 10.30am.
In order to comply with the current rules on distance and assembly, live participation in the event is subject to reservation: ph. 0522 382484 / info@collezionemaramotti.org
Online Participation
The event will also be broadcast live online through our channels Youtube and Facebook.and via the Gotowebinar platform: click here to register
Special Opening
On the occasion of the event, Collezione Maramotti organizes a special afternoon opening on Saturday 17 October. From 15.00 to 18.00 the two floors of the permanent collection can be visited freely without accompanied visit, upon reservation for access limits made necessary by the containment measures of the contagion from Covid-19.
For reservations: ph. 0522 382484 / info@collezionemaramotti.org
The two ongoing temporary projects Two Thoughts and Mollino/Insides will normally be open from 14.30 to 18.30.